Watching, but stuck

15 12 2008

Just to let you know…
I’m watching the site, but have limited access to email. Modem fried with the power blips of last Thursday’s ice storm. While I can work this I-phone keypad, it’s not easy. Keep your comments coming and I should have a new modem in a day or so.

Yeah, Man!

12 12 2008

Well Folks,

I’ve heard from a few former members.  Charlie C., George B., Len F., John D., and a few others.

Way.  Cool.

Keep ’em comin’.

We’re thinking outside of Boston, last Saturday of February.  But we’re open.

If you want to attend, let me know.  If not, at least say hello.  And regarding the site, any and all information would be appreciated.


You folks are the best!

February Meet up

9 12 2008

I’ll be happy to take suggestions for a get together in the New Haven to Boston corridor for a February Saturday night.

Think not loud, convenient (with convenient parking)  room to chat, possibly dinner, centrally located, decent atmosphere, congenial, and reasonably priced.

Email former members and friends, if you would.  I’ll keep comments open for this post, and I’ll update location and time a week or so in advance.

Welcome Bandsman!

9 12 2008

Welcome to the new site for The United States Army Band of New England, the former 18th Army Band, Fort Devens, Massachusetts.

Stay tuned as this goes through some rapid changes.

Contact me at