
8 responses

16 12 2008
Tim McCann

trombonist from 1972-1976 searching for others to contact

23 12 2008
Tom Crombie

Euphonium player from 1973 – 1976, presently living in NH. Are there any other close by?

6 01 2009
Richard James (RJ) Brown, DVM

18th AB 79-82. Guitarist. Currently senior veterinarian at University of Wisconsin in Madison. Hello all!

8 01 2009
Charlie "Chuck" Cardoza

Trumpet player 1974-1977. Presently living in East Taunton, MA.

1 03 2009
len forlenza

Hi Keith: Could we have a roster with actual phone #’s and email addresses so we can contact each other. I couldn’t find anyone in the N.J./Phila area to travel with to the get together otherwise I was planning to make the six hour trip. The passage over the GW bridge is brutal alone. I hope you had a great turn out last night, sorry I had to miss it. If you would like to post it My address is 91 sheffield pl, southampton N.J. 08088, phone#609-801-0248. I have been playing a reasonable amount of gigs but have seen a hugh drop off in the last 30 years. As with most band players we have to do it all, orgch,shows,ethnic,concert band. Thank the lord I still have decent bass bone chops since most of the big band stuff I do now is on bass bone. It seems that not too many players around here can fill it out, or don’t care to. We had great expectations for Atlantic City in the late 70’s. Great for about five years, then gradually down to next to nothing now. Shows are mostly awful and even the do waps of the fifties that are the biggest draw only lip sinc. I didn’t even have a Christmas gig this year after at least two churches over two days in previous years. Lots more to tell you about the 18th in the dark ages of the 50’s but will save it for another letter. In the mean time lets promote the roster and maby some day we can resurect a composit band and go on tour like the Goldman band of years ago. Think Big. God bless all len

2 03 2009
Ann Secord

Thanks to Tom Crombie for leaving a message on the Classmates website to tell me about this – although I just got it today and hope you all had a great time getting together. Although I live on the other coast my eldest goes to college in New Jersey and my mother in law is in NYC so I do get to the east coast at least once per year. Would love to see any of you guys. If you are on facebook be sure and “friend” me. Is there a way to subscribe to any feed from this site? Would hate to miss any other posts now that I know this exists. My best to all of you. Ann the oboe player Ft. Devens 1976

3 03 2009
Ruby (Reuben) Mayfield

I have been talking with Keith for some time now and sharing some of the photos I collected over the years. It is good to hear so many former band members are still at least talking. Included is a link to my website. Please excuse the fact that the play dates have not been updated lately.

6 03 2009
Allen Lawless

I left a rather lengthy story associated with Bill Chambers’ photo, so I won’t repeat that now.

I played euphonium, a little bit of trombone, and a fair amount of incredibly bad trumpet in one short, eventful year from April, 1978 to March, 1979.

I remember Reuben Mayfield well, clarinetist/altoist George Baker, trombonist Tom Harper (with whom I later served in two successive assignments in Germany and Ft. Hood); flutist Paul Hazlip, trumpeters Fred Nunes, Leo Vitali, and a guy whose name escapes me at the moment (the band was down to about 3 trumpet players at the time, most of whom were sent out doing bugle jobs), and pianist Rick Rella(?). There was a female trombonist who loved Ella – can’t remember her name either – Sue something.

I had recently gotten married, so I lived off-post. But I remember those wooden buildings on Jackson Rd. well.

Allen Lawless
SFC, U.S. Army, Retired
north-central Missouri

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